N.2/2022 L’uomo nell’era digitale: coscienza, pensiero critico e spazio politico all’epoca di internet e dell’intelligenza artificiale
Il corpus delle Opere di Italo Valent
Andrea Tagliapietra
Published in December, 2022
The corpus of Italo Valent’s works.

This contribution aims to reflect on the overall significance of Italo Valent’s philosophy (1944-2003). This interpretation is generated by the publication of the corpus of the Italian philosopher’s works. Valent’s thought focuses on
some important philosophical issues of both historical and theoretical relevance:
the genealogy of modern reason (with particular attention to Humean empiricism), the study of Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language and the thought of
Emanuele Severino. These influences will lead to the elaboration of an original
rethinking of the dialectical paradigm in which the relation is understood as an
inclusive and generative movement.
Italo Valent, Dialectics, Hegel, Relation, Heraclitus, Genealogy.