N.2/2022 L’uomo nell’era digitale: coscienza, pensiero critico e spazio politico all’epoca di internet e dell’intelligenza artificiale
Today’s Media Ecosystem: is It the End of Human Subjectivity?
Anastasia Jessica S. Adinda
Published in December, 2022
Today’s Media Ecosystem: is It the End of Human Subjectivity?

Media determine what we see, feel, think, and act, as in Friedrich Kittler’s lines ‘Media are determining our situation’. Media control our situation.
Even we always live and think in media. It seems that media is a total system in
which there is no space for subjectivity. However, didn’t humans create the media and experience every medium? This essay examines the position of human
beings in their relation to media. This research suggests that human agency can
be restructured in tactile media and tactical media. Tactile media emphasizes
humans as active subjects in perceiving and experiencing media. Tactical media
assumes that culture is a set of active practices, thus each individual can use each
media to create social change.
Media, Subjectivity, Tactile, Tactical, W.J.T. Mitchell