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N.1/2023 Il trascendentale e le pratiche

Il trascendentale come pratica storico-filosofica e politica.   storico-filosofica e politica.  A proposito di Mario Dal Pra, trascendentalista della prassi

Silvestre Gristina

Published in June, 2023


The Transcendental as a kind of historical-philosophical and political practice. On Mario Dal Pra’s transcendendalism of praxis.

GCSI 1-2023 Copertina.png


 This paper aims to incorporate Mario Dal Pra’s thought within the tradition of transcendental philosophy. Despite not being widely regarded within this canon, Dal Pra’s ‘transcendentalism of praxis’ should be considered an important case study on the relationship between transcendental and political/historicalphilosophical practices. This article investigates Dal Pra’s thought during his early years (from 1948 to 1954) as the main editor of the Rivista di storia della filosofia, focusing on three thematic cores. First, the theoretical difference between “transcendentalism of praxis” and so-called “theoretical philosophies” is presented. Secondly, a contrast is highlighted between the historiographical-philosophical methodologies that result from these two models of philosophy. Thirdly, the political outcome of these philosophical trajectories is explored, focusing on the difference between conservative thinking and philosophy as a politics of liberation. In conclusion, a general interpretative proposal is made on the relationship between transcendental philosophy, the practice of philosophy, and political practices.


Dal Pra; Transcendental Philosophy; Praxis; History of Philosophy; Italian Philosophy.



G.C.S.I. - Giornale Critico di Storia delle Idee
Rivista internazionale di filosofia

Direzione Editoriale:
Andrea Tagliapietra e Sebastiano Ghisu

Direttore Responsabile:
Giovanni Campus

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Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Sassari n.455 del 14/7/2008 - ISSN 2035-732X  ISSN(cartaceo) 2240-7995


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