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N.1/2023 Il trascendentale e le pratiche

Francesco Mora e il suo itinerario nella storia della filosofia. Un percorso rammemorante

Nicolò Germano

Published in June, 2023


Francesco Mora and its itinerary in the History of Philosophy. A remembrance path.

GCSI 1-2023 Copertina.png


This paper presents the philosophical journey of the Venetian philosopher Francesco Mora (1959-2022). In particular, it focuses on Mora’s innovative interpretation of Georg Simmel, which centers on his theoretical unity as reflected in the relational characterization (Wechselwirkung) of the Simmelian Lebensphilosophie, drawing on Mora’s own works on Simmel. Similarly, in the analysis of his works on Heidegger, we have highlighted the novel elements that make Mora’s contributions stand out. Overall, we show that Mora’s thought engages in a neverending confrontation with philosophical classics, from Aristotle to Heidegger, and that its original aspects are deserving of further scholarly attention.


Aristotle, Hobbes, Simmel, Heidegger, History of Philosophy, Italian Philosophy, Ethics. 



G.C.S.I. - Giornale Critico di Storia delle Idee
Rivista internazionale di filosofia

Direzione Editoriale:
Andrea Tagliapietra e Sebastiano Ghisu

Direttore Responsabile:
Giovanni Campus

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Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Sassari n.455 del 14/7/2008 - ISSN 2035-732X  ISSN(cartaceo) 2240-7995


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